Wednesday, July 16, 2008

picture stories

Many times during the day I see a situation or an object and wonder what could be happening. Today I saw a woman sitting on a bench crying and the man beside comforting her and my mind immediately started to create stories about why she was crying: her mother died or is very ill, their child is very sick and on and on...

As part of a class on documentation I
would like to have you, the reader, write the story that comes to your mind when you see the following images. Please put the number of the photo you are writing about at the beginning of your story in the comment box.

In photo number 2 the gentleman is entranced by a dream he had months ago. In this dream he spoke with a Polish accent and begged his lover to climb his long locks of hair in order to join him in his castle. The dream ended while his loverwas making a decision. Ever since he has been spending time trying to return to this particular dream path.


She is waiting for her husband since 1943 when he was recruited by the Allied Forces for a mission on Lyon, France. Always at the same spot, the same, hour, everyday. Even when she knows that he is mia, she is still waiting...

The woman on the chair is Rosie's grandmother. She and Rosie were walking in the park. She sat down to rest in front of the wonderful striped wallpaper as Rosie went for an ice cream cone.


There once was a boy named Daly
Who stroked his gerbil ever so merrily.
On the park bench he'd repose,
Fluffing its fur then a squeeze, I suppose,
Before returning to his workshop momentarily.

When Sam was 5 his guinea pig died. Last year at 32 her, his grandmother gave him a stuffed on. He has carried it around ever since.

Bill is on the park bench being comforted by his stuffed pet hamster before getting his dreads cut off at the barbershop.


  1.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               12 year old Samantha's horse pranced on her foot, breaking every joint and bone.
My friend Nancy made a body cast of her whole body. This is the bottom most part of her body. Of course spiders and jelly fish and Jesus and sperms were present at this lower most level.

A woman broke her leg in a bicycling accident. An eccentric doctor created a cast for here injured leg that molded around the shape of her lower leg, foot and individual toes.  The woman drew and painted symbols and fake toenails on the unusual cast and invited friends to contribute. After the cast was removed she saved it and kept it on display as a memento.